Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Reading Log (17) Assignment for "The Perils of Obedience"

For this assignment, do not follow the normal reading log pattern.  Instead, answer the questions included here.

Reading Log Questions for “The Perils of Obedience”
1.      Describe the purpose and outcome of Milgram’s experiment.  What do you think about his experiment?   
2.      What argument(s) does Milgram make about obedience based on the results of the experiment?  Do you agree or disagree with him?  Is his view of obedience a sufficient explanation for the sometimes “monstrous deeds” people like Eichmann commit (“the banality of evil” argument)?
3.      Describe a time when an authority figure (other than your parents) told you to do something against your morals or values.  What did you do?  How did you feel about it?  Were there consequences to your decision? 
Note: An example of peer pressure will suffice if you cannot think of something involving an authority figure.