Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Reading Log (17) Assignment for "The Perils of Obedience"

For this assignment, do not follow the normal reading log pattern.  Instead, answer the questions included here.

Reading Log Questions for “The Perils of Obedience”
1.      Describe the purpose and outcome of Milgram’s experiment.  What do you think about his experiment?   
2.      What argument(s) does Milgram make about obedience based on the results of the experiment?  Do you agree or disagree with him?  Is his view of obedience a sufficient explanation for the sometimes “monstrous deeds” people like Eichmann commit (“the banality of evil” argument)?
3.      Describe a time when an authority figure (other than your parents) told you to do something against your morals or values.  What did you do?  How did you feel about it?  Were there consequences to your decision? 
Note: An example of peer pressure will suffice if you cannot think of something involving an authority figure.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Your Capital Punishment Notes from Class

Many would argue that innocent people have been executed in the past; however, recent advances in technology have decreased the risk of wrongful conviction and execution.
Quote Koch
Isn’t it also pretty bad to imprison an innocent person for life?
There is a risk of executing an innocent person.
System will never be perfect and we can’t risk executing an innocent person.
Start hanging people instead to save money
It costs too much to keep criminals in prison for life.
Taxpayers should not have to pay to keep murderers in jail for life; they should just be executed.
Cost shouldn’t be a factor
Cut down the number of appeals to save money
Reform to save money
The process of carrying out the death penalty is too costly.
It is a justifiable punishment for heinous crimes.
If you are prepared to take a life, you should be prepared to have yours taken (unless
psychological problems)
Fitting punishment for certain crimes
Affirms our loved ones’ lives/the sanctity of life
The death penalty should be abolished, for it goes against our moral values.  We should not fight “fire with fire.”
Capital punishment cheapens the value of life
It is inhumane to execute people.
The death penalty is cruel, unusual and unethical retribution. (Violates the constitution – 8th ammedment)
Adequately harsh retribution for  a harsh crime
Murderers deserve to suffer in prison for the rest of their lives.
Keeping them in jail would serve the same outcomes as execution: protecting society
The victims’ families deserve reassurance and justice. 
Retribution for victims’ families
Closure for the victims’ families
While capital punishment is thought to expedite the healing process for victims’ families, it may actually cause unnecessary tension and stress
It will help prevent murders.
Decrease the crime rate
Prevents convicted killers from killing again
Reform to make it a better deterrent
Don’t have sufficient evidence of deterrence
Won’t affect all would-be murderers – they don’t think normally
The death penalty is not applied consistently due to inequalities in the system
Bias in the system
Discriminatory in terms of ethnicity and social class
It’s not the government’s right to choose who lives and who doesn’t.
Those who perform the most heinous acts can’t learn from them.
Some capital offenders are beyond redemption
Life in prison allows a chance at redemption
It is supported by a lot if individuals in the United States
If we don’t advocate and implement the death penalty, these killers aren’t being punished and are essentially given a “license to kill”
The way these people are executed is inhumane

Interesting article on the current state of capital punishment


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Final Exam Date - CORRECTION!

I made a mistake on the course calendar.

The correct day and time for our final exam is Wednesday, May 28th from 10:30 -12:30.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

My notes from today's class - working on Essay #1



·       Your essay should be at least three full pages.

·       Use at least two scholarly sources.  This means you quote or paraphrase each source at least once and include them both on a Works Cited page.  Find GOOD sources that help support your specific claims!

·       How to use Turnitin.com’s Originality Report

·       Proofread very carefully.


Write ARGUMENT topic sentences.  Make a claim in each topic sentence.  State an opinion/a position.

NOT just facts:

FACT:  The U.S. Constitution states that everyone is created equally.

ARGUMENT TOPIC SENTENCE:  Denying same-sex couples the right to marry violates their constitutional rights.

FACT: Many people who get married don’t have children.

ARGUMENT TOPIC SENTENCE:  Some suggest that the key purpose of marriage is for procreation and, thus, same-sex unions should not be recognized as marriage.

FACT:  Some religious texts express disapproval of homosexuality.

ARGUMENT TOPIC SENTENCE:  Same-sex marriage should be banned because it violates many religious views of marriage.

Outlines, Revisited

Thesis:  in favor of same-sex marriage


·       First of all, denying same-sex couples the right to marry violates their constitutional rights.
·       Counterargument: Some suggest that the key purpose of marriage is for procreation and, thus, same-sex unions should not be recognized as marriage.
·       Counterargument:  Opponents of same-sex marriage often argue that such unions violate many people’s religious beliefs. 
·       Counterargument – Still others oppose same-sex marriage because they fear it may be harmful to children raised by same-sex parents.

Thesis:  opposed to same-sex marriage


·       Same-sex marriage contradicts with the traditional, widely accepted definition of marriage being between a man and a woman.
·       Additionally, same-sex marriage should be banned because it violates many religious views of marriage.
·       Another drawback to same-sex marriage involves the harm it may cause to children raised by same-sex parents.
·       COUNTERARGUMENT:  Supporters argue that banning same-sex marriage is a form of discrimination.  

SUPPORT - How could a writer support these claims? 

·       First of all, denying same-sex couples the right to marry violates their constitutional rights.

·       Another drawback to same-sex marriage involves the harm it may cause to children raised by same-sex parents.

REFUTATION - How could a writer refute these claims?

·       Counterargument – Still others oppose same-sex marriage because they fear it may be harmful to children raised by same-sex parents.

·       Counterargument: Some suggest that the key purpose of marriage is for procreation and, thus, same-sex unions should not be recognized as marriage.

·       First of all, denying same-sex couples the right to marry violates their constitutional rights.

o  What does the constitution say?
o  How does that apply to same-sex marriage?
o  Research:  legal scholar or judge?
o  Recent rulings on DOMA

·       Another drawback to same-sex marriage involves the harm it may cause to children raised by same-sex parents.

o  Anecdotal evidence from your own experience
o  Evidence from research/experts
o  Concession?  Heterosexual parents may also harm their children.  Existence of single-parent families, etc.

REFUTATION - How could a writer refute these claims?

·       Counterargument – Still others oppose same-sex marriage because they fear it may be harmful to children raised by same-sex parents.

o  Why fear is never a good motivator
o  Importance of love and support from any parent figure available
o  With legalization there will be less discrimination
o  Concede that kids may be teased but they can learn from it
o  Research/experts

·       Counterargument: Some suggest that the key purpose of marriage is for procreation and, thus, same-sex unions should not be recognized as marriage.

o  Concession – many marriages do result in procreation, BUT not a requirement
o  Explore the logic problem here: Older couples, infertile couples, etc. could not get married
o  Legal experts/research?


·       Setting up the paper:
o  One inch margins
o  12 point Times New Roman font
o  Double space with no extra space between paragraphs
o  Header
o  heading

·       Citing sources in the text of the essay:
o  Introduce the source and set up their credentials, briefly (if possible).  Avoid dropped quotations (quotations with no introduction).

·       Create a Works Cited page

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Example outlines (rough)

Thesis:  in favor of same-sex marriage

Body Paragraphs:


·       Argument:  Constitutional right (benefits, 14th amendment, DOMA, etc.)

·       Argument:  Evolving definition of marriage

·       Counterargument – against some people’s religion (refute with separation of church and state)

·       Counterargument – may be harmful to children raised by same-sex parents (concede some and refute the rest)


Thesis:  opposed to same-sex marriage but in favor of civil unions

Body Paragraphs:

·       Argument:  challenges the traditional definition of marriage (why the definition should not evolve; why it’s not the same thing issue as interracial marriage.)

·       Argument:  may be harmful to children raised by same-sex parents

·       Counterargument: government discrimination.  (refute by proposing civil union as an alternative)

·       Counterargument: separation of church and state (refute by again arguing why this supports civil unions)