Thursday, January 23, 2014

Reading Log Sample Format

Your Name Here


Reading Log #1


Title:  “Insert Title of Reading Here”

Author:  Include the author’s name here and any information about him/her you think is relevant to analyzing the article.  For example, if analyzing an article John McCain wrote about the torture debate, it’s important to know that he was a POW who endured torture.

Claim/Main Point:  In one or two sentences, state the author’s main point (in your own words).

Analysis of Argument/Writing Strategies:  Write a detailed paragraph in which you analyze the argument presented.  Do not discuss whether you agree or disagree with the author’s claim.  Instead, analyze the support included.  Is it effective?   Why or why not?  Be specific.  Does the writer successfully refute counterarguments?  Discuss specific counterarguments and refutation.  Has the writer adopted an effective tone?   Does the writer avoid logical fallacies?  See page 103 for a checklist for analyzing an argument.

Reaction:  Write a short paragraph in which you express your opinion about the issue.  Do you agree/disagree with the writer’s claim?  Where do you stand on the issue and why?


Reading Log Assignment

Reading Log
For every assigned article this semester, you will complete a reading log entry that analyzes and critiques the reading.  Each entry must include the information described on the sample reading log entry on the back of this handout, unless otherwise specified.  See the course calendar for a complete list of the 21 required reading log entries. 
·         Entries must be typed and must follow the format of the sample reading log.
·         Be sure to write in your own words or quote and cite the author’s words to avoid plagiarism.
·         Submission:  Upload your entries to before class on the day they are due.  If your entry is not uploaded before class, you will not receive credit for it.  No exceptions. 
·         Also bring a hard copy to class for your own reference. 
·         Reading log entries will vary slightly on length, depending on the length of the article.  Generally, they will be one - two pages long (one full page minimum).
·         This assignment is worth 200 points (20% of final course grade).
You get one “freebie.”  I will throw out one zero if you miss a reading log entry or have a technical problem uploading it.
·          I will check to see that you have completed all assigned entries.  I will not read every entry; instead, I will randomly spot check several entries to evaluate the thought and effort you put into the assignment.
·         Errors will affect the grade, so proofread carefully. Class ID and Enrollment Password

Class ID: 7574904
Enrollment password: larsen125

How to get started with

Student Quick Start Guide for


This Student Quickstart will help you get started with Turnitin and will walk you through the steps for submitting your first paper. To begin, you need to first register with Turnitin and create a user profile.

Step 1

To register and create a user profile, go to and select your language from the drop down menu.
Click on the "Create Account" link on the homepage and the Create a User Profile page will open.
Click on the "Student" link. Fill in the required information in the new user profile form. In order to create a profile, you must have a class ID and an enrollment password. You can get this information from your instructor.
Once you have created your profile, click the "I Agree" button to log into Turnitin.

Step 2 - Student Homepage

Your class will show up on your Student Homepage. Click on the name of your class to open your class portfolio.

Step 3 - Class Portfolio

Your Class Portfolio shows the assignments your instructor has created and your submissions to the class. 

Step 4 - Submitting a Paper

To submit a paper, click the "Submit" button next to the paper assignment.
The paper submission page will open. Enter a title for your paper. To select a paper for submission, click the browse button and locate the paper on your computer. We accept submissions in these formats:
  • MS Word, WordPerfect, RTF, PDF, PostScript, HTML, plain text (.txt)
After entering a title for your paper and selecting a file, click "Upload" to upload your paper.
If your paper is in a format that we do not accept, you can submit it by cut and paste. To submit a paper this way, select cut & paste upload using the pulldown at the top of the form.
Copy the text of your paper from a word processing program and then paste it into the text box in the submission form. If you submit your paper using the cut and paste method, you can skip the next step.

Step 5 - Submitting a Paper Confirmation

The paper you chose to submit will be in the preview. Look over all the information and make sure that it is correct. To confirm the submission, click the "Submit" button.
After you confirm your submission, a digital receipt will be shown. A copy of the receipt will be e-mailed to you. To return to your portfolio and view your submission, click the "Go to Portfolio" button.

Step 6 - Viewing an Originality Report

To view your Originality Report, click on the Originality Report icon to the right of the assignment.